Thursday, July 17, 2008

when Bible and Culture collide

Our dear friends in Panama, Lynn and Joy, are faced with a very disturbing dilemma... it seems there is a custom among the indigenous Indians in and around Volcan which involves 'giving away' a child when that child is old enough to be helpful to someone else...

First, let me say this: I cannot begin to imagine a mom's mindset which could consider doing that. It is so foreign a concept, I simply can't get my head around it.

However, as Lynn and Joy live among the beautiful people of Volcan, they are daily dealing with different cultural issues...

as an aside, I have a friend who has dealt with certain cultural differences during his trips to West Africa... it is sometimes uncomfortable for him to worship with them because they attach 'rhythm' to every song. It is a natural, almost instinctive thing... when they sing praises to God, they clap or tap or snap or beat the ground or pound a drum.

I believe that is a cultural (not a Biblical) issue. Because I grew up in a lily-white (by that I mean hyper-arch-ultra-Caucasian) environment, our worship did not include any rhythm - NONE! Over the years and generations, some of us have attempted to attach Biblical Significance to our cultural lack of clapping/snapping/beating... and I am convinced such attachments are folly. (more on that during a later post.... stay with me here)

anyhow, I would LOVE to hear from readers of this post (all three of you :-)) with regard to the custom of giving away a child to someone whom they can live with and be helpful to...

My (limited) understanding of this custom leads me to believe that families do this when there are too many mouths and too little food, and when one of the children (usually the oldest) seems to have the ability to live with another family (or widow or whatever) and provide them with help (while eating from their table...)

I would love for anyone who knows more about this to comment...

and I would really covet your input.

here is my challenge (to me, most of all..... 'cause I am really struggling with this concept):

try to strip away our cultural mores and taboos, then try to see how (or if) we can help Lynn and Joy deal with this very disturbing situation... from a Bible perspective.

God Bless!

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