Saturday, June 27, 2009

Exploitation at its worst in the 21st century

I had decided not to comment in this space about the whole Michael Jackson death furor.

But I changed my mind... and it sorta ties into another recent phenomenon about which I have a thought or two.

My family is eaten up with a couple reality TV shows. We are addicted to American Idol (Go Kris!), and a couple other shows are also DVR'd at our house... We like Ty's show, "Extreme Home Makeover", and the females in my house are riveted by the Jon and Kate deal... and have been enamored of their story long before the whole he-said-she-said divorce thing.

But MJ's death and the death of Jon & Kate's marriage give me pause...

so here are a couple thoughts...

Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' sold more albums (cassettes, CDs, downloads, etc) than any other piece of recorded music in the history of recorded music: 50 million copies! But sadly, the last couple decades of watching the resultant neuroses of this human freak show have almost made us forget about what made him the concensus King of Pop.

what a shame... He sold more albums than anyone in history, and we are talking not about that unbelievable feat but about his botched surgeries to make himself look less black and his weirdness and apparent affinity for young boys. and, of course, his money problems... wow! The public microscope is intense and the international spotlight is hot... and we all have some weird fascination with the weird.

the whole Jon and Kate deal makes me sick to my stomach and, well, really mad. mad at the adults in charge... yeah, the ones who made a deal with the devil that is Reality TV; by making that deal, this couple was at least complicit in the plot which played into America's sick prurient infatuation with voyeurism. It is not entertainment. It is not cute. It should not be interesting or fascinating, yet we are absolutely sucked in. This part of Reality TV is a tool of Satan.

Plain and simple, Jon and Kate exploited their family. They placed their children at huge risk and we all helped insure this family's demise by watching this tripe by the millions...

Shame on them for exploiting their kids. Shame on A & E network for making them some irresistible offer, and shame on us all for watching.

Instead of tuning into the misery of others and taking some sick pleasure in it, we ought to pray for the families which are turned upside down by... well... us.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

a Day for Dads

Mine was a childhood from a Norman Rockwell painting.

a great and loving mom and a wonderful smiling provider-dad and three siblings... I remember only good things, and they were plenty!

As an adult, I can look back and see things I didn't as a kid. I can see that mom and dad had the normal struggles all parents have... I can see that my mom struggled with depression... I can see that dad struggled to provide the way he wanted to for his 6 member family...

and I gain an even greater appreciation for my parents...

mostly because they kept all that adult stuff away from me and let me just be a kid.

And for that... probably above everything else, THAT... is why I love and appreciate my momma and daddy so much!

In these days of less-than-stellar economic times... in these days of such prevalent overt sinfulness.... in these days when dads are simply walking away from their families... and moms are too... it is vital that parents keep all that adult stuff away from their kids and allow them to just be kids...

thank you, daddy, for being such a good daddy. thank you for being such a good provider. thank you for showing me Christ. thank you for letting me be a kid.

Happy Fathers Day!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

buddhism (cont)

so in his quest for... I dunno.... something....

my friend is studying Buddhism.

I applaud anyone for learning about other belief systems. It should serve as a confirmation of your own beliefs... it may serve to challenge us and stretch us...

I would hope, though, that it would not shake your spiritual foundations.

if it challenges and stretches you and makes you think, that's a good thing, right?

but what if it makes you seriously question the very existence of the God of the Bible?

then what? do you forbid those you love from exploring and learning?

I know.... deep... and I really do covet your input as I try to help my dear friend as he is questioning everything he used to believe.

he has a Doctorate in Bible, for crying out loud.

so... whaddya suggest?

my former youth minister is a Buddhist

Ok, so that was a purposefully eye-catching title, I admit.

My dear friend and former youth minister is a seeker. always has been...

What you love about him is the same thing that makes him 'dangerous' to follow.

I am asking for your help in assisting my dear friend and brother in finding his way through a time and place in his life which have left him searching... and I mean searching - not for the right way to worship God.... and NOT for the correct 'local church' to 'join'...

I mean my friend is searching to find out Who this higher power might me. and not altogether sure it is the God of the Bible...


I believe God will lead him back to Himself...

more about this as I learn about the situation...


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Who are you? What are you doing?

There are too many one-liners to list on the subject of direction.

Most of them point up this fact of life: it is impossible to go somewhere if you don't first know where you are...

and, if you really wanna get specific, I would suggest that it is vital to know how you got where you are... right?

Lucado had a terrific thought in his daily devo today...

"When you do the most what you do the best,
you put a smile on God's face.
What could be better than that?"

I have 8 friends right now who are in a tiny, remote Panamanian village - using their God-made gifts to make a HUGE difference in the lives of about 1000 of His children. They are taking medications to people who have never seen a doctor... they are giving medicine to children who have never seen an Ibuprofen or had Neosporin to put on a cut.

and they are doing what God designed them to do...

I'll bet they are happy...

and God smiles.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

certainty and anchors

what do you know for sure?

I know Kelly loves me. I know my momma loved me. I know the sky appears blue on a clear day.

I know my daughters love me... I know God loves me. I know my grass will need to be 'hayed' if I don't cut it about once a week.

I know for sure that my daddy loves me. I know God has blessed me beyond - way beyond - what I deserve. I know I must be allergic to ragweed, because I sneeze when I get near it.

I know God is alive and well and living in me, and that - to the degree I get outta the way - He has done (and will do) great things through me...

how 'bout you?

what do you know for certain?

not when the sun is shining and the birds are singing... but when the sky is dark and heavy.... and when smiles are hard to find....

then, where is your anchor?

it can't be things, right? I mean, the big flatscreen has little value to you then... the nice car is worthless then... the big nice house.... is that what gives you comfort? is that what settles you? is that your anchor?


it needs to be solid, immovable... And we have seen flatscreens and cars and houses destroyed....

so where is your certain anchor?
