Tuesday, June 2, 2009

certainty and anchors

what do you know for sure?

I know Kelly loves me. I know my momma loved me. I know the sky appears blue on a clear day.

I know my daughters love me... I know God loves me. I know my grass will need to be 'hayed' if I don't cut it about once a week.

I know for sure that my daddy loves me. I know God has blessed me beyond - way beyond - what I deserve. I know I must be allergic to ragweed, because I sneeze when I get near it.

I know God is alive and well and living in me, and that - to the degree I get outta the way - He has done (and will do) great things through me...

how 'bout you?

what do you know for certain?

not when the sun is shining and the birds are singing... but when the sky is dark and heavy.... and when smiles are hard to find....

then, where is your anchor?

it can't be things, right? I mean, the big flatscreen has little value to you then... the nice car is worthless then... the big nice house.... is that what gives you comfort? is that what settles you? is that your anchor?


it needs to be solid, immovable... And we have seen flatscreens and cars and houses destroyed....

so where is your certain anchor?


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