Sunday, August 31, 2008

When Jesus Walks In (borrowed)

(the following is borrowed from Terry Rush's blog. I believe it is the perfect way to prepare our hearts for worship this morning... and I simply could not have said it better. apologies to those who have already read this on TR's page):

The disciples were bummed. They had placed all of their eggs in the one basket; Jesus. All hopes rode on his coattails. When he was publicly executed the hearts sank right along with their hopes. It was all over and they couldn't believe it....literally.

A few days later the unexplainable happened. Even though the doors were closed and without them being opened, he walked right in. Of course it took them by surprise, but he actually did it. He walked right in. That entrance changed entire kingdoms on earth. He rocked the very world which just a short time ago had tried to confine him forevermore behind a rock. He was up! He was out! He was back!

We at Memorial believe he will walk in again this morning. Four or five of us believe that when we gather at our usual 7:30 a.m. hour-long prayer time, he will have already walked in and be waiting. Jesus will sit with us tomorrow. The most exciting news is he'll have just been sitting with a few in a county jail in Tennessee, an emergency room in Tallahassee, and later a small church in Tucson. He will note the saints in China, the blind in the home in Germany and the family reunion being carried out in South Africa.

Jesus walks into our settings. He is the main guest. When you gather today wishing for better sermon or singing or crowd, don't forget to be glad the Guest walked in. Celebrate the fact he is still up, still out, and still back!

God, would you bless the readers for believing an invisible world to be true?

Friday, August 29, 2008


I've written a lot about home in this space over the past couple years.

The word, kinda like my life, continues to be defined along the way... home is our little place in Mountain Home, Arkansas. But, as I have said numerous times, ours is a temporary one. Home is our little faith group called Riverside... home is anywhere Kelly and my girls are... (I particularly like the 'home' we have each year on the beach... an the one on the banks of Salado Creek at Tahkodah)...

Well, a close friend gave me yet another meaning for home a couple days ago...

Our Caitlin transferred from York to Harding this fall, and we are thrilled! I have told many of you that she was 'born and bred' to attend Harding (meaning, only, that she has been to every HU event in the past dozen years... Spring Sing, Camp Tahkodah, Homecoming, Bball camps, etc)... well, she is absolutely elated to be attending Harding... for lots of really good reasons. Kelly and I are not sure we will see her much more (she has already called - OK, texted - dozens of times to tell us how well things are going and how this event and that outing will keep her from coming home for a couple more weekends...)

anyhow, back to my friend Wes... I was pulling in to the MHHS gym to watch Cara's volleyball game two nights ago - yes, she had a GREAT game, 6 kills, 3 service aces and a host of blocks at the net - see the photo gallery at (OK, sorry for the tangent!) - so I'm pulling in and Wes motions for me to roll down my window and asks how Caitlin is doing at Harding...

I start into my answer and Wes sort of interrupted me and asked a one word question:


and I simply nodded...




Thursday, August 28, 2008

College Football begins

In case anyone cares, the 2008 College Football season kicked off tonight!

I LOVE this time of year!

Can't wait to root for my Hogs and my Colts (Indy - pro, I know)... the air is a little cooler tonight as I let Lucy the Wonderdog out for her evening business...

and the Gamecocks from South Carolina are locked in a defensive struggle at halftime with their next door neighbors NC State...

this Saturday I will DVR the ESPN college gameday and... it begins!

I do love the fall!


God Bless!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

professional preachers - the sequel

Sometimes y'all are kind enough to leave a comment on one of my posts, and I appreciate that more than you know...

and sometimes I feel led to leave a response to your comment...

and sometimes the comments spark another thought which I believe needs to be read and addressed in another post...

MC left a great comment which I want to share and respond to, so here goes:

MC said: I LOVE that Riverside commits revenue to Benevolence instead of salaries but it would be nice at times to have one identified person to call upon for spiritual support. I have learned this from being involved with Hospice, so many people are hurting spiritually and are in need of Godly intervention. It'd be nice to have a specific "go to" person, perhaps a volunteer that views this as a personal ministry?!

here is my continued thought...

MC - thanks very much for taking time to respond... you point out the very 'thing' that Kelly and I are struggling with... we, too, love how Rside is committed to helping others... at the same time, there is a deep need for counseling, organization, cheerleading, teaching and (our hot button) youth ministry... and none of those seem to be able to happen without that one go-to 'minister' who is called (and paid) to wake up every morning 'thinking' about these 'things'. Volunteers are terrific, and I believe God is pleased when we all 'pitch in' with these 'things'.

But, in practical reality, there are certain things (and a certain level of commitment, evidently) which require more time and talent and commitment and energy than volunteers are willing or able to give.

so, (and I know I am making the opposite argument than I did in my original post) how can we 'have it both ways'? Can we hire a person (or persons) who will 'wake up thinking about _______ ministry' AND preserve the awesome spirit of imagination and volunteerism which currently pervades our little group of believers?

That is likely the biggest conundrum... if we can solve that riddle, we may have an idea worth pursuing!

God Bless!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

professional preachers

In my life I have been blessed to worship and work with a number of full time preachers... they have come in all shapes and sizes... different styles and levels of Bible knowledge. Some are great communicators and others are compelling speakers in spite of their limited ability, while others are neither good students of the Bible nor gifted speakers...

I have worshipped at a small church for the past 5 years (well it was small... now 250 souls join us each Sunday morning for worship assembly), and we have never employed a "full time preacher"... Today we still have no paid staff members... none!

I struggle sometimes with what more we might be able to accomplish if we would hire a full time person... I think, for instance, that we need a youth minister... and, at times, I think we need an administrative type who could organize all the activities and ministries we are involved in at Riverside...

and other times I love the fact that our elders have seen fit to lead us without any 'hired help'.... after all, God has led us so much further than we could have imagined, most of us have stopped trying to 'drive the boat'...

I'm convicted of this: I cannot see any need for Riverside to hire a conventional full time pulpit preacher. We get to hear from people of all stripe and station as they share with us during our 'preaching time' each Sunday... from drug addicts to missionaries to professors to inmates, we are blessed with 'God-story' after 'God-story' which deepens our faith and challenges us to greater servanthood... and I wouldn't change a thing about it... (I can see a day when we may pay a staff member to do some of the things which are required for continued spiritual and numerical growth, but I doubt this person will even slightly resemble a 'pulpit preacher')

Recently I visited a church which employs a more traditional approach to the 'preacher' question... they have a staff of 5 or 6 'professional ministers' whom they pay to minister to the seniors, the toddlers and the teens; including, of course, one to handle the pulpit duties...

as I sat and stood and participated in the worship assembly, I wondered about the importance and relevance of a 'paid preacher'. Where did that concept come from? How did we get that idea? ...that one 'coat-and-tie-clad-proclaimer' (or 'robed-and-collared', if that's your flavor) preaching to 300 (or 2,000) parishioners was the way to 'do' the whole organized religion thing?

I have heard all the reasons for having a full time pulpit man, and I understand their validity. I also understand that the Biblical model calls for churches to be autonomous in deciding what 'works best' for them... and I deeply respect that! I'm not trying to persuade anyone that 'they're doing it wrong' and I'm 'doing it right'.... not at all... I'm just asking the question: has the professional preacher outlived his usefulness?

You see, I am fearful we have fallen prey to imitating other religious organizations rather than trying to use our God-given imagination to figure out the very best way to exhort/encourage/challenge/uplift each other while we praise and worship a Star-Breathing God. And it appears sometimes that we have 'organized' the very life out of our worship...

...just wondering...


Friday, August 22, 2008

what to do with those you disagree with

(apologies to Mrs. Brantley - my friend the English teacher - for hanging the preposition)

...nevertheless it's a fair question: what do you 'do' with those who hold differing views from your own?

Well, I've seen it done many ways over the years...

one of my most favorites... just play like nothing is wrong and hope it goes away; creates a terrific foundation for meaningful dialogue... not! so, simply avoid those with whom you disagree.

turn up the volume
The first time I traveled abroad, the way I chose to try to break the language barrier was to slow down my speech and talk louder! So here I am yelling at some poor German waitress trying to order a sandwich (in loud english)... yeah, that worked well... and it works about as well when we turn up the volume (literally) or ratchet up the rhetoric when trying to have a discussion...

"I'd rather be right than anything else"
another personal favorite... and always productive! Just take out all your anxieties on anyone who doesn't believe like you; then, add an ounce of "I'm-always-right-and-there's-no-reason-to-listen-to-you" condescension, and you will insure that, in time, nobody will talk to you about anything... this brand of narcissism feeds on itself, because you begin to reason: "I MUST be right, because nobody even challenges me on anything anymore"

Attempt to Persuade
another time-tested method for dealing with someone who disagrees with you... it assumes, however, that YOU have the correct answers and that, too, creates instant barriers to meaningful communication...

"Withdraw Fellowship"
ah, yes, and this one even has a Biblical sound to it... 'cause it is Biblical! It's just that we have so thoroughly misunderstood and misapplied Matthew 18 that it doesn't even resemble the original intent anymore... but it does have the tendency to 'make it go away'

Be respectful and kind
a new, different and exciting (and Jesus-modeled) way of developing trust that causes meaningful dialog to happen... Paul exhorts us to 'speak the truth in love' in his letter to the church in Ephesus... frankly, I have seen very little of that method used in my life...

but I'm sure it will work; let's try it! what do we have to lose?

God bless!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the same kind of different as me

yep, a new book... another one of those buy-on-friday-and-finish-by-Sunday deals... and another faith-shaping book placed in my path just at the perfect time for God to continue His work on me.

'same kind of different' is the true story of two men from very different backgrounds who are inexorably drawn together by God (through Ron's wife) into an incredible journey and unlikely friendship...

I got this one last Thursday on the way out of town and started reading it on the plane to Cincinnati... then finished it somewhere over West Tennessee on the flight back... it was gripping and fantastic!

I loved Claiborne's 'Irresistible Revolution', and I really was captured by 'the Shack' by Young... but this book did more to reinforce my resolve toward truly becoming a servant than either of the other two!

You gotta read this! If you ever wonder what truly modeling Jesus in today's modern world looks like... if you've ever felt like you're 'servanthood' is only skin deep... if you ever struggled with how to really effect lasting life change in yourself and those around you, this true story will hit you right in your heart...

This is a book I will buy a dozen copies of to hand out to folks... it's that kind of book...

If you get a chance, buy it! CBO has it in stock, and you can order it online from any of the booksellers like Amazon...

God Bless!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

when do you really show them Christ?

We talk a lot about imitating Christ and showing Christ to our neighbors, etc...

And, for most of us, for generations we have boiled that down to 'inviting' folks to 'church' or, in rarer cases, trying to genuinely help somebody (in hopes, - let's be honest - that it would sufficiently 'soften' them so we could - you guessed it - 'invite' them to 'church'...)

So I got to thinking about Jesus' words near the end of His life, which his friend (the tax-collector-turned-disciple) recorded at the end of his account...

"As you go, disciple all the nations and
baptize them and teach them what I said"

We call that the great commission... and it used to seem that the command was to 'GO' (most likely because of a less than accurate translation: "Therefore GO and make disciples...") but in the above translation (which is a more literal translation from the original Greek text), the command seems to be to "DISCIPLE" and "BAPTIZE" and "TEACH"... the 'going' is a sort of incidental and assumed verb...

sorta like, "while you are at this living day-to-day stuff, disciple and lead and model and baptize and teach more, etc"...

anyhow, it made me think of how God endeavors to lead people to His Son through us; it reinforces in our minds the Jesus model...

so, it occurs to me that we (I) should consider what that means.... and what 'means' do we employ... and what 'ends' are we trying to 'get to'...

kinda puts a different light on it, right? the 'ends', according to scripture, is not necessarily to get someone to attend worship with you... and the 'means' (again, according to holy writ) is not to GO, but - while you are going - to model Christ and teach and baptize...

Please don't misunderstand this point... I have written often in this space about the importance of worship and the Sunday time that God has, in His unparalleled wisdom, set aside for us to edify and uplift each other while praising and worshipping Him...

but I don't believe we can infer from this 'great commission' that we are called to GO and produce more church attenders! We are called to model Jesus to others - everyday - so they will see in us something different than everyone else. And, having seen that, they will be drawn to the One whom we imitate...

So I said all that to ask a simple question: how can we best fulfill that commission?

And I would suggest that it is how we conduct ourselves while others are watching... specifically, how do we handle conflict and bad news and bumps and slights at work? Do we blow up and sull up and give up and, well, act like everyone else? ...or do we act like we know who's driving this bus, and we trust that He knows the best route?

THAT (to me) is where this discipling happens... and THAT is at least a part of the answer...

And it is really really hard sometimes... but, by definition, we (the ecclesia) are literally 'called out' to do just that...

That's when people can get a true glimpse of our faith in action...


Monday, August 18, 2008

markers along the way

the first day of school is one of those vivid time markers... we have pictures in photo albums of each daughter (as well as the obligatory group shot) standing on the front porch looking devastatingly smashing in their '1st day of school' outfit, ready to tackle a new grade and a new year.

This year was different in a few ways: First, Caitlin is still sleeping; last year, she had already been at York for a week... this year, she's undoubtedly 'resting up' for her own first day of school a week from today (new school, new surroundings, old and new friends)... second, Cara will be driving herself to school for the first time... and third, my wife returns to the workplace after 19 years of doing the hardest job on earth: full time stay at home momma!

So this morning's pictures featured two girls and their beautiful momma, each with a big smile and not a little apprehension... Cara is a junior, so she's familiar with her high school surroundings and friends; Cassie is a fifth-grader, familiar with her friends but at a new building, the Pinkston middle school...

But for my wife, this is a completely new adventure! She has managed the Martin household perfectly for the last 24 years (the last 19 as a full time momma), and now she is called upon to help manage the IEPs of 250 high school students! New office, new surroundings, new friends... I know it is more than a little overwhelming to her. But, of course, she will do a terrific job...

So as we were all walking out the door this morning, we paused for our first-day-of-school prayer... and we asked God to keep us safe and help us to show Jesus to our friends - and co-workers (Cassie got a giggle out of that) - as we begin this new year...

I covet your prayers for our family as we begin yet another new chapter in our story...

And I ask you to pause as you read this to remember all those who face new challenges this year; I pray that God give us all strength to face whatever is in front of us and for His Spirit to lead us and open our eyes to all the opportunities for sharing Jesus with our new (and old) friends.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

another great night at the Keith Hamm Benefit

Wow! What a terrific time we had last night... the 5th Annual Keith Hamm Benefit Concert was held last night at Dunbar Auditorium, and it was a blast!

About 600 or so people filled the auditorium to honor Keith Hamm and glorify God and lift up His Son... and it was fantastic!

New Day (Eddie and Vonda and Kim) opened it up beautifully, with harmonies as sweet as you'll ever hear...

the Pittman Trio was fabulous as usual, and there was a family trio (sorry I forgot their name) who did a great job as well...the Spokesmen did their usual wonderful job of lifting up Jesus (and the audience) with great message in harmony!

And Jerry Hopper played while his 7 year old granddaughter sang like a pro!!! she's unbelievable! Jerry and the Pittmans sang three very beautifully touching numbers, which brought the crowd to its feet...

And First Day sang a half dozen songs to a very kind and generous audience!

God was glorified!

and somewhere up there Keith was smiling... I'm sure of it!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

function of the local church

For generations our fellowship has railed against denominations and denominationalism while, in my opinion, morphing into the very thing it was railing against... most of this debate/arguing/condemning has been about worship styles and church organization...

reminds me of a momma in the movie "Mr. Mom" when Michael Keaton's character was dropping off his kiddos at school during his first day as a stay at home dad... he went through the car line the wrong way, and she rolled down her window and said "You're Doing It Wrong!!!" for decades, we have played the role of that mom...

I believe God's design for His Church includes a non-denominational model... for all the right, good, healthy reasons... but our 'stance' has cause many churches to not only turn into what they were preaching against, but to move further toward outright sectarianism* in their approach and flavor... and the exclusivism and bigotry that results is in some ways far worse than the baggage a group carries as they move toward denominationalism... OK, OK, enough!

(*Sectarianism is bigotry, discrimination, intolerance or hatred arising from attaching importance to perceived differences between subdivisions within a group, such as between different denominations of a religion or the factions of a political movement.)

...the purpose of this post is not to trash my heritage... I love my heritage and tradition! ...but I love the Body more, and I want to explore God's design for His church. More specifically, I wish to discover God's definition of the role of the local church.

I have been brought up to believe that the local church IS THE Church.... and, further, if YOU didn't attend MY local church, YOU must not be a member of the right church. (does that sound exclusive or denominational or sectarian to you?)

As the years have gone by, I began to question the veracity of that belief... and to seek God's wisdom on the matter (wow, what a novel idea :-)). Anyhow, I came to understand that the church spoken about so many times in our New Testament is the church universal... the body, the saved, the saints, the redeemed from all walks of life and all cultures and, yes, all different religious stripe.

Which, of course, opened up the possibility (new to ignorant me) that there might just be 'saved ones' and 'saints' who did NOT attend the 'church' which I attended... and (horror of horrors) some of these saved folks may not even attend a church that has the same name over the door!

So, for the moment, allow me to leave the subject of 'which church is the right church' (the older I get, the less fruitful that discussion seems to be), and just talk about the role of the local church...

so first... IS there a role which is filled by a local church?

The Bible is rife with examples of local churches and what functions they served... words like uplift, encourage, exhort, help are words that come to mind... (as I have noted before, while there is scant little example or command about the 'how' of the worship assembly, there are tons of examples of local churches - in action - throughout our new testament! So I have resolved to think and argue less about the former and study and imitate the latter)

Let me encourage us all to pray and study and meditate on what the 'church' is and what she is to be about...

I would love to hear from you with regard to what the Spirit reveals to you as you study...

I certainly don't have all the answers... but I believe I am asking better questions than I did a decade ago!

God Bless us as we endeavor to be His Body!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

a very very special day

8,760 days ago, Kelly Jean Crawford changed my life forever.

Simply stated, I would not be who I am today if not for my bride of 24 years... the biblical phrase "as iron sharpens iron" comes to mind when I think of what she has given me.

There are 2 kinds of people in this world: those who makes things around them better, and those who make things worse... there is no doubt that the momma to my kiddos is the very best kind of good, and brings the good out in all whom she touches.

Words cannot approach describing who she is and what she is about, so I'll stop now before I prove that further...

I Love You, Kelly

Happy Anniversary!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

7:30 drinking coffee and watching Lucy the Wonderdog

So everyone in my house is sleeping soundly at this hour (and who wouldn't, on a quiet Saturday morning?), and Lucy the Wonderdog and me are sitting on the back porch drinking coffee... well, she's not... actually, she's gnawing on the little plastic rake which we use to scoop up her.... um... business...


anyhow, the temperature is a very nice 72 degrees and there is a coolness in the air that carries the promise that fall is not too far away... yeah, I know, we still have a lot of August left... and a lot of really hot days! But this morning is a reminder that cooler days are coming...

With that promise, however, comes quite a few new challenges... the end of summer always signals the beginning of school, but there are some new twists ahead for our family.

For the first time in 19 years, Kelly will have a full-time job outside the home... for those who have worked as stay-at-home mommas, you know that really means she is taking on a full-time 'second' job! and we are both anxious (in a positive way) about her first day this Monday...

Cassie - my ten year old - will be at a new school when school starts in 10 days. She's officially a middle-schooler now! That will present new challenges...

Cara - my 16 year old - will be driving herself to high school in 10 days, and that's a new thing! She begins her junior year, where grades and career direction begin to take some shape... wow!

Caitlin has transferred from York College to Harding U for her sophomore year, and she is completely stoked! (as are her parents) closer to home, more focused on a possible career track (speech pathology), dozens of close friends at HU, endless foreign mission opportunities... what a blessing!

and I begin settling in to some new responsibilities at my job as well...

I like routine, but I really seem to crave (more as I get older - is that weird?) the excitement and change and opportunity God continually brings to our lives...

I know it's cliche, but.... sitting here in the cool air of a Saturday morning in August... I cannot help but think of this as being a metaphor for our life: (wait for it....)

the calm before the storm!

and I mean 'storm' in the most positive way possible!

God Bless !

Thursday, August 7, 2008

my friend had a vision

I have a new friend. He and I spoke today on the phone about how to 'do' a medical mission to Santa Marta, Panama, next summer...

He has been there and done that, so he will be a wealth of information! We are both very excited about the mission!

While we were talking, he reminded me about some 'land mines' we would need to avoid in our preparations and our trip to conduct such a mission. It saddens me to know that the land mines he spoke of are placed there by Christians! It is unfathomable that fellow believers would provide barriers to keep other Christians from showing Jesus to the lovely people of Panama... It saddens me even more deeply that those Christians are from my own fellowship!

I told him I was aware of a couple groups who acted like (and even said sometimes) they 'owned' the Panama mission efforts... and that one group in particular has become quite comfortable with sending letters to the elders of other congregations 'warning' them that they were 'doing it wrong'... employing the extra-biblical practice of 'group disfellowshipping', which, to me, is nothing short of spiritual blackmail and terrorism!

Anyhow, before my blood pressure could get elevated, he told me he had a vision just the other night about these brothers and sisters...
  • my friend was in heaven, and he watched as God took these brothers and sisters to the edge to look over into the pits of hell. When they asked God why He was showing them this glimpse, He replied "that's all the people you hindered from hearing about Jesus because of your ignorance and narrow-mindedness!"

I told my friend that his was a much more mature, grace-filled version of the 'vision' I have of those folks... my vision ends with God pushing them into the abyss...

I know, I still have 'grace' issues... and a lot of growing up to do...

Anyhow, please pray for our efforts...

and may God Bless us as we remove ANY barrier to showing His son to the people of Panama!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Shack - a short review

So everyone had been telling me 'you gotta read the shack'... and I bought it Friday and finished it Sunday... it was hard to put down.

Simply stated, the book will challenge every perception you have developed about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit... It is a beautifully written account of one man's weekend conversation with the Trinity, and how it changed his preconceived notions about them and how it changed his life forever.

William Young, the 'ghostwriter' for his friend Mack's story, spins a tale of Mack's terrible struggle with the age-old question "why do bad things happen to good (or innocent) people?", after Mack's daughter is kidnapped from a family camping trip and brutally murdered... Evidence of the murder is found at an abandoned shack at the bottom of this pristine canyon near the National Park where Mack was camping with his children...

I will not give away any plot lines, but I will heartily recommend the book for your reading...

OK, maybe I'll give away a little, but just to introduce the story...

3 years after the horrible tragedy, Mack is still really struggling with Who God is and how He could allow something so terrible to happen to his daughter... it is, understandably, affecting every facet of his life. Then he gets a note in his mailbox inviting him to meet God at the shack.

Mack's weekend with God (and Jesus and The Spirit) at the shack is a life-altering event which reshapes his feelings about who God is...

If you decide to read it, be ready to be challenged... and warmed...

For anyone who has lost a loved one (and inevitably wondered how God could 'take' them), this book will illuminate the path a little better... at least it did for me...

God Bless!

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Shack

I just finished a little book called The Shack.

It shook my world... a very intense little book about a man spending a weekend with God, Jesus and the Spirit...

You gotta read this...

I will share more thoughts about it later...


Sunday, August 3, 2008

are you in the mood to praise?

We have a unique opportunity each Sunday morning... you may not think of it as unique (and that may be at the heart of a lot of problems), but it is unique and special...

We have a specific and sacred time set aside to praise and worship our Creator and God.

So I have one question for you:

Are you in the mood to praise?

May I suggest you (we) get in the mood... because while our lives are a continual worship to God, this is an awesome chance to lift Him up and lift each other up in a group setting which only happens once a week...

So let's go do it!

See you there!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Lucy the Wonderdog and fireflies

I've been wondering why Lucy the Wonderdog - and yes, that's her official AKC registered name - does not want to go out to answer nature's call in the daytime, but she loves going out at night... OK, I know, it's a bit cooler in the evening, I get that.

But she always wants to come right back in during her daytime ritual, and really wants to stay outside for longer periods at night...

So last night I figured it out. She likes to chase lightning bugs! She loves the fireflies! So she will do just that until she gets too tired to jump and snap at 'em.

OK, that wasn't very deep. and I don't have any metaphor or analogy or practical application....

Oh well, maybe one:

Don't ignore the wonder. Remember how to play and have fun for the sake of it... Do something - today - that is just... fun.


Friday, August 1, 2008

deeper issues

Every once in a while I am reminded that my problems are small.

...really small.

Yesterday I was again reminded that the things I call 'problems' are really not very significant...

There are lots of hurting people in our community and our world who need God... and I don't mean they need God in the way we usually say it in our pulpits and Bible classrooms. I mean they need God to work His big blessings through His people... and they need it badly and now.

Please pray to God that He would give peace and blessing to those who are hurting and being hurt right now. And please be prepared to be used by God to act as His hands and feet and voice...

Your cubicle mate or your banker or the guy who sacks your groceries or the lady in front of you at the Taco Bell drive through may really be in pain right now.

So pay attention... and show them His love and mercy and kindness, and be ready to step up and bless them.

God Bless!