Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Shack - a short review

So everyone had been telling me 'you gotta read the shack'... and I bought it Friday and finished it Sunday... it was hard to put down.

Simply stated, the book will challenge every perception you have developed about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit... It is a beautifully written account of one man's weekend conversation with the Trinity, and how it changed his preconceived notions about them and how it changed his life forever.

William Young, the 'ghostwriter' for his friend Mack's story, spins a tale of Mack's terrible struggle with the age-old question "why do bad things happen to good (or innocent) people?", after Mack's daughter is kidnapped from a family camping trip and brutally murdered... Evidence of the murder is found at an abandoned shack at the bottom of this pristine canyon near the National Park where Mack was camping with his children...

I will not give away any plot lines, but I will heartily recommend the book for your reading...

OK, maybe I'll give away a little, but just to introduce the story...

3 years after the horrible tragedy, Mack is still really struggling with Who God is and how He could allow something so terrible to happen to his daughter... it is, understandably, affecting every facet of his life. Then he gets a note in his mailbox inviting him to meet God at the shack.

Mack's weekend with God (and Jesus and The Spirit) at the shack is a life-altering event which reshapes his feelings about who God is...

If you decide to read it, be ready to be challenged... and warmed...

For anyone who has lost a loved one (and inevitably wondered how God could 'take' them), this book will illuminate the path a little better... at least it did for me...

God Bless!

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