Wednesday, August 27, 2008

professional preachers - the sequel

Sometimes y'all are kind enough to leave a comment on one of my posts, and I appreciate that more than you know...

and sometimes I feel led to leave a response to your comment...

and sometimes the comments spark another thought which I believe needs to be read and addressed in another post...

MC left a great comment which I want to share and respond to, so here goes:

MC said: I LOVE that Riverside commits revenue to Benevolence instead of salaries but it would be nice at times to have one identified person to call upon for spiritual support. I have learned this from being involved with Hospice, so many people are hurting spiritually and are in need of Godly intervention. It'd be nice to have a specific "go to" person, perhaps a volunteer that views this as a personal ministry?!

here is my continued thought...

MC - thanks very much for taking time to respond... you point out the very 'thing' that Kelly and I are struggling with... we, too, love how Rside is committed to helping others... at the same time, there is a deep need for counseling, organization, cheerleading, teaching and (our hot button) youth ministry... and none of those seem to be able to happen without that one go-to 'minister' who is called (and paid) to wake up every morning 'thinking' about these 'things'. Volunteers are terrific, and I believe God is pleased when we all 'pitch in' with these 'things'.

But, in practical reality, there are certain things (and a certain level of commitment, evidently) which require more time and talent and commitment and energy than volunteers are willing or able to give.

so, (and I know I am making the opposite argument than I did in my original post) how can we 'have it both ways'? Can we hire a person (or persons) who will 'wake up thinking about _______ ministry' AND preserve the awesome spirit of imagination and volunteerism which currently pervades our little group of believers?

That is likely the biggest conundrum... if we can solve that riddle, we may have an idea worth pursuing!

God Bless!


Lynn said...

I must say that I have always felt as if we, at Riverside, do have that 'go to' person at Riverside, it is just not the same person for every need. I believe the responsibility is ours, collectively, to help those in need, whether spiritually or physically. I do see the need to make sure that everyone is aware of that available help. In the past we have done that through individual contact, but maybe we do need something more concrete for the newer members - maybe a call list for different needs. I am not sure if I am being clear, but I believe that the help is there, and available if those in need know who to call.

You know I have to challenge the role of volunteers. Volunteers can do as much as they are willing to do. I believe that we are called to do all we can, and then some, for our brothers and sisters. Look at what was done in February. We had literally hundreds of volunteers spending hundreds of hours because there was a need.

Lynn said to ask if you were getting 'wishy-washy':). So, I will wish wash just a little myself. I have the same concerns about our youth. I don't know the answers, but feel we must do more/ differently to meet their needs. If the only way we can do that is to hire a youth minister, then lets do it. WE did not make a law that said we would never have paid staff. It has been nice, but if we are not meeting the needs of our brethren, what is is worth?

By the way, Tim, you are one of those 'go to' people for me. sure am glad you don't charge for the time you put in serving others!

Tim said...

you are too kind... and spot on with your comments! God bless!
counting down the days til next june!