Friday, August 1, 2008

deeper issues

Every once in a while I am reminded that my problems are small.

...really small.

Yesterday I was again reminded that the things I call 'problems' are really not very significant...

There are lots of hurting people in our community and our world who need God... and I don't mean they need God in the way we usually say it in our pulpits and Bible classrooms. I mean they need God to work His big blessings through His people... and they need it badly and now.

Please pray to God that He would give peace and blessing to those who are hurting and being hurt right now. And please be prepared to be used by God to act as His hands and feet and voice...

Your cubicle mate or your banker or the guy who sacks your groceries or the lady in front of you at the Taco Bell drive through may really be in pain right now.

So pay attention... and show them His love and mercy and kindness, and be ready to step up and bless them.

God Bless!

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