Sunday, January 11, 2009

what are we to be about?

I've been traveling a bit over the past week, and am scheduled to be in Atlanta this week... so that's my lame excuse for not posting since the 2nd! sorry....

anyhow, Lynn and Joy joined us for dinner last night to, well, eat... and to discuss the work in Panama. With emphasis on the upcoming medical mission to Santa Marta....

They bring a wealth of information for which we are eternally grateful. I plan to begin meeting with our Santa Marta team in the coming days to get our plan ironed out and begin our preparations.... I am pumped!

As we talked and dreamed and plotted about the work last night, it occurred to me that these two precious souls are completely sold out to God's work in Panama. I don't mean a little bit... not marginally... not metaphorically... and not part time... Lynn and Joy are IN IT!

They have spent the past several weeks completely liquidating their earthly possessions... giving first dibs to family members and preparing to have this UBER GARAGE SALE next weekend to sell everything else!

When they get on the plane on January 29, they will leave nothing behind... no storage buildings of stuff. no house to come back to. no cars... everything they 'own' will be with them in Panama.

sold out. literally.

what are we to be about? if we take seriously the words of a 12-year-old Godman 2000 years ago in a dusty temple, we gotta answer "my Father's business"

and, to our detriment, we (I) have let a whole host of things (mainly 'things') get between me and that.

I challenge us in 2009 to remove whatever it is that precludes us from being about His business.

God Bless!


Joy said...
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Joy said...

Thanks for the kind words. We only wish we were as good and selfless as you make us out to be! We are not. We are sinners saved by that same grace that saves every man. God is good, alone. We, like everyone else, struggle to follow Him.
We love you and Kelly, and appreciate all that you do for the Kingdom!
(By the way the sale starts at 8:00 AM Saturday morning (shameless plug)

Elizabeth Cheek said...

good stuff. I want to be sold out but find myself so far from that. esc