Thursday, January 10, 2008

The 1 Thing: rules or love?

I am reading this little hard back book... you know the kind: about 50 pages and the size of a postcard?

Well, this little volume is called 'the 1 thing'... it is a small gift we got from Group Publishing, written by Thom and Joani Schultz, when we ordered our VBS curriculum a few years back. And, since one of my resolutions (as it is most years) is to put better stuff in my mind (Philippians 4:8), I keep this book (and a few other similar texts) close to the 'throne', if you know what I mean...

All that to say that what this little book lacks in size, it makes up for in powerful content!

Of course 'the 1 thing' is relationship with Christ... but the way it is written and the examples used by the authors are so spot on, I feel compelled to share...

When the Schultz' want to make a point, they use personal and real stories to drive it home...

One such point is made very well; after asking the question 'what would people think of your church if all they had to go on was the signs you post ('no food or drink in auditorium', 'do not tape anything to the walls', etc)?, and suggesting our buildings NOT be like police departments, they then relate this story:

"The 'police department' aspect of relationship has never been the 1 thing in our marriage. That's not to say we didn't have some rules... and as our relationship bloomed, a few more rules began to emerge. I now know the non-negotiables such as 'always put the toilet seat down'.... but I must admit, if Joani had posted little rules signs or enrolled me in 'Joani rules class', our relationship would have been dead on arrival. I'm afraid I would have viewed her as the 'lid lady' who needs to learn to make her own seat adjustments. Now I comply without a second thought... because rules have never been 'the 1 thing'. Love is our relationship's '1 thing'. Love leads us to follow the rules without making the rules the centerpiece."
I thought it a brilliant analogy... and worthy of sharing with you!
May God Bless us as we always remember the 1 thing!
and may He defeat us when we begin to imitate our distant forefathers, about whom Isaiah said:
"These people come near to me
with their mouth
and honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship of me
is made up only of rules taught by men."

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