Thursday, February 7, 2008

in times of Tragedy - Just Do It

So what are we to do when faced with tragedy?

With apologies to the advertising gurus at Nike....

Just Do It!

However, I learned an interesting lesson in the wake of the Tornado that devastated the Gassville community on Tuesday night... there are a lot more people who are happy to tell you how or why something can NOT be done to help than people who will just... help.

I know patience has never been an easy thing for me, but Wednesday I reached the end of whatever little I had....

While we were serving a hot supper to dozens of displaced people and workers... and while others were preparing and using four wheelers to deliver our little care packages into the affected areas... and while still others were making plans for how we were going to continue this aid that night and in the coming days.... in the middle of all that, someone was happily telling us how we couldn't do it that way... he told us how the law enforcement personnel were not letting anyone into the affected areas, yada yada yada...

After explaining that we had already been to all the affected areas providing support and aid and hot coffee, the folks explaining this ran out of steam and decided they didn't need to engage him any further...

And I was reminded of an old saying (one of my favorites, actually): lead, follow, or get out of the way!

So I just smiled and turned away and decided I did not need to listen anymore... and that we needed to continue 'just doing it'...

all this to say... when someone needs help, just help them...just do it! That's all... because standing around shooting down ideas is lazy and easy and worthless...

God Bless everyone who is helping those who are hurting from this tragedy... for the rest: stop talking and take an armload of care packages and hot coffee and wade in... or grab and hammer and help someone cover missing windows with plywood...

OK, I'm better... sorry for the rant...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're so right Tim, awesome post thank you so much for your awesome service, i've posted a blog about my experence. This blog has a ton of spelling errors because I can't get the blogger spell check to work and I'm not smart enough to correct them myself.