Monday, February 11, 2008

river or reservoir?

The outpouring of love to the community of Gassville has been unbelievable! People have simply pitched in to help wherever they can... delivering food, helping to put tarp on roof damage, handing out water and hot coffee... all manner of help from all manner of people.

Churches have stepped up big time, organizing efforts to simply help those who need help.

It reminded me of a sermon I heard a few years back... about the difference between a river and a reservoir...

A reservoir collects water while a river, by its God-spun design, delivers it. Water flows through a river but stagnates in a reservoir. As God's people, we are called to be a river. Nothing we have is ours... and we are arrogant when we 'collect' God's gifts. When we hoard while others hurt, we exhibit the baser and more selfish side of man.

It is only when we allow gifts to flow through us that we begin to imitate Jesus.

So think about it: on a personal level, which do you resemble? And at a group level, which would best describe you? Does your church allow God's blessings to flow through 'it', or are you hoarding up His treasures?

As many churches (and individuals) 'store up' things and money as a 'cushion' while others are in need, I implore us all to take a serious look at the reasons behind this mentality.

One church deacon once told me he believed the church should put back 6 months operating capital 'for a rainy day'...

As I think back on that conversation, I now wonder how misguided it is to 'save for a rainy day'...

Have we forgotten Who makes the rain?

I challenge each of us, individually and collectively, to be rivers... not reservoirs.


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