Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cara's Choir Concert

Wow, the choir concert last night was awesome! Mrs. Hitt does a great job with a really talented group of singers...

My Cara sings alto, and performed in 4 different numbers, and was, of course, terrific! Her voice is beautiful, and her ear is so good... she harmonizes as well as anyone I've heard...

While listening and watching last night, one couldn't help but notice the strong Christian content of the songs sung... the opening number was "Baba Yetu", a very moving Swahili arrangement of the Lord's prayer, and that was followed a few songs later with the old negro spiritual "He never failed me"...

As my wife whispered to me during Choplin's arrangement of "I'm Going Home": "it's good to have a Christian leading the choir".

Indeed. there are lots of His roaring lambs in our school district... and they are in constant need of your prayers.

God Bless you Mrs. Hitt as you lead these young people...

It is good to live in Mountain Home!


Lynn said...

I love to hear Cara sing! she has great pitch, and a beautiful voice to boot! I know you are proud - wonder where she gets that? A gift from God, surely, but maybe there are some genes involved as well!
Don't guess you recorded it? Would love to hear it.
Regarding the blessings of good Christian teachers, you are truly blessed at Mountain Home, as well as Cotter and Flippin. the teachers and faculty are some of the most giving, committed Christians I know. The world best look out! Jesus will win this war!
One other thought, Cara gets her beauty, inside and out from her mom, I know. You are kinda cute, but all your girls are beautiful! That was just God and Kelly, sorry!

Tim said...

what a sweet post! by the way, they DID record it professinally... and I will send you a DVD... it really was quite good!