Thursday, May 22, 2008

so what 'delights' you?

in the 37th Psalm, David makes a promise...

"Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart."

Seems like a pretty straightforward statement... if we can understand what it is to 'delight ourself'...

If we are not careful, we will let this verse lead us down a path toward a sort of 'prosperity' gospel; one which promises this world's wealth if we live a certain way or give a certain percentage...

To put it simply, I believe this verse (and many like it) teach a different type of gospel... they lead us to a life that, as we gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for our Father (and as we learn to 'delight ourself' in Him), our desires become tuned in to His will for us...

Sort of a 'molding' of our will into His...

so what delights you?

God Bless!


Lynn said...

And in those areas where God has molded my desires to His, WOW! I have confidence, I have true joy, and I see God so clearly in the midst of serving from that place - when I know that my desire is His. There is where I find that 'peace that passes all understanding'. Of course the opposite is true as well - when I am following my own desires that are not those of the Father, nothing is right or good or sure. I believe God gives us that understanding, and we know that we are not 'delighting in Him' at that time. Then the question becomes 'how long do I want to stay here, in this uncomfortable place, taking me further from the desires of my heart and further from my walk with God?' I know at times for me, it is way too long! Why do we learn so slowly?

We appreciate your blogs so much. Thank you for taking the time to share!

Tim said...

wow - you should be writing this! very insightful and, as always, much appreciated! God Bless...