Friday, May 9, 2008

Ode to Shawn

"Hello, Sir!" that, a firm handshake and his crooked, genuine smile is what I will always remember about my young friend Shawn Oden. He is in the final chapter of his time here, and I am convinced the angels are anxiously awaiting his arrival...

What a party they must be planning! I feel certain they have hired the finest caterer and best decorator for the event... Heaven's best C & W band is doing a final sound check (with the angel choir on backup vocals), and the paparazzi is standing by for Shawn's red carpet arrival!

This young man may be the gentlest person I have ever had the privilege of meeting... yet his life here was a series of illnesses and ailments and surgeries and stints and medications and failed procedures... but I NEVER heard him complain. never.

What I wouldn't give to see him - with that head full of red hair - on the other side, dancing and singing and smiling and laughing and... without pain.

I am so glad Heaven's eternity is his reward. I thank God that Shawn's new home will make him completely forget - in an instant - all the pain he endured almost every minute of his life here...

No, I don't understand why he suffered here without any relief. I won't pretend to... I always have more questions than answers when this life's sufferings are so evident, and the pains of earth are revealed in such stark relief....

But this I know: I do look forward to the day when I see Shawn (and mom and Russell and all my other friends and family) in our new Home. I envy them their head start...

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