Friday, July 20, 2007

Off to Camp Tahkodah - our favorite place!

Well, it's that time of year... a time our whole family looks forward to: Camp Tahkodah!

Each year for the past six, Ross and Nita allow Kelly and I to volunteer at our favorite place on earth. And each year we are blessed beyond our imagination!

This year is sort of a pivotal one... in lots of ways. This is Caitlin's first year as a counselor, and, perhaps, our last year to volunteer at the same session with our kiddos... we'll see...

In the past, we have only been able to volunteer for one week, so that limits us to serving during a one week session; and our kids have always been perfectly happy to attend the same one-week session as we do. As they get older, however, the two-week session begins to be more attractive to our girls... but we may not be able to volunteer for two weeks... so we'll see how God handles that!

It is also the last year Caitlin will have lived at home (as she goes to college this fall) before going off to camp... Okay, I admit it, everything we have done this past year has been viewed through the "this is Caitlin's last..." glasses! Last home basketball game, last vacation, last time to (you get the drift)....

But I digress! Anyhow, we are all VERY excited about next week... pray for us, that we may touch the lives of these beautiful young people as we minister to them (and them to us) and as we enjoy the little slice of heaven on earth that is Camp T.

(I probably won't have blogability while we are there, so I will look forward to posting again next Friday night!)

God Bless!

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