Tuesday, July 17, 2007

York College

Well, we made it back from our 30-hour whirlwind trip for pre-registration at York... Caitlin drove all the way up without any help (other than navigational) from us. She did great... we thought it was a good idea for her to see what it was like to be behind the wheel for that long through all the different kinds of traffic one might see from here to York. Kansas City will be interesting when she is alone, but I think she will do fine!

All the folks at York were extremely nice and hospitable; they are making it a little easier for us to send our first daughter 550 miles from home for college. We are truly excited for her, and we really do believe God placed this opportunity in her path. And for that we are very thankful.

When we were there for Cait's recruiting visit Easter weekend, the temperature was 28 degrees with a 30-mile-an-hour wind... pretty bitter! We were assured that it was not typically like that there...

Yesterday, the temperature reached 102 degrees with a similar percentage of humidity... and, again, we were assured that it was not usually that hot in the summer there... whatever! I imagine the weather throughout the year may be a bit less 'mild' than Caitlin is used to here, but she will probably do just fine...

Anyhow, continue to pray for us during this transition period. I know thousands of parents send their kids off to college each year, but this is our first time... and it will be tough.


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