Friday, July 20, 2007

what do you wake up thinking about?

In those first moments of conscious thought each morning, what is it that fills your mind?

Is it money? Many of us wake up wondering about our financial situation... or plotting how to make the next thousand or million....

Is it him or her? Others of us are obsessing about that special (or not so special) person in our life to the point that they are on our mind constantly...

Is it 'the next big thing'? Some of us wake up thinking about our 'stuff'... and how to get more, better, newer things...

I just have this sneaking suspicion that what I wake up thinking about says a lot about me. So it may be worth asking the question: what fills my head when the cobwebs of sleep clear?

God wants to... He longs to pour thoughts into the cup of your soul emptied by hours of rest and sleep.

He yearns to fill the void (or replace whatever's occupying the space)...

So let Him. Make a concerted effort to wake up thinking about Him... or how to serve His children... put a reminder on your nightstand to help you have 'God thoughts' first thing in the morning. Utter a 'thank you' prayer before your feet hit the floor...

It will make a difference in your day, I promise... and it will change your heart.


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