Saturday, April 21, 2007

God's gift of Spring

Wow! What a multisensory feast God prepares for us here in North Central Arkansas! As I walk outside this morning, the air is crisp and there is not a cloud in the sky... There is a smell of fresh cut grass, but not the muggy mid-summer aroma; it's the springtime smell which seems fresher and better somehow. I see the fading blooms of the numerous Bradford Pear trees and I notice that the white flowers of the Dogwoods are almost gone... but Spring is in full swing!

What a blessing to live in a part of the world where we get to enjoy all 4 seasons. I know every place has its special beauty, but I cannot imagine calling any place else 'home'. And I cannot fathom a more beautiful scene than I am enjoying this morning.

I hear the songbirds planning their day in a musical arrangement worthy of Mozart, and I feel a light breeze which promises to keep temperatures in the upper 60s today.

As I enjoy my coffee in these serene surroundings, I am happy. God has blessed me way beyond what I could ever imagine and He has cared for me much more deeply than I can ever deserve.

So I sit on my back porch, basking in His creation and bathed in yet another facet of His amazing grace!


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