Friday, April 20, 2007

more thoughts on Virginia Tech tragedy

Since my last post, there has been even more criticism leveled at authorities with regard to their initial response when the shooting started... 'why didn't they do this?' or 'why couldn't they have done that?'

While I will admit that most situations are clearer through the window of hindsight, I was reminded of something my best friend said the other day...

If we didn't learn anything else from the events of 9/11, we should have learned this:

"You can't stop someone who is bent on hurting and maiming and killing, as long as they are willing to give their own life to hurt and maim and kill."

This friend reminded me that the rules changed dramatically on September 11... on that day, we were delivered a harsh reality: there are people in the world who do not share our view... people who do not value life as most of us do... people who will indeed die in the effort to kill and hurt others with whom they disagree or with whom they have a dispute...

This guy who shot all those students and instructors last Monday could not have been stopped by 'tighter security'... his heart was set on destruction, and he was bound and determined (to the point of taking his own life) to kill as many people as he could.

Small consolation, I know, for the families who are devastated by this terrible act. May God continue to use us to minister to them...

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