Sunday, May 13, 2007


So, I wonder why people don't always treat other people with patience and mercy and grace...

I wonder why I don't always treat other people with patience and mercy and grace...

When I am judgemental and unforgiving and harsh, I am as opposite from the spirit of Jesus as I can be. And if I aspire to walk in His spirit, I must completely and daily shrug off those ungodly traits of the world...

...but it's hard. Cynicism and suspicion creep in and I tend to believe the worst about those around me... yet I am surprised when I am treated that way!

Like all the character traits of Jesus which we are to imitate, this one is easy but not simple. It takes daily and disciplined practice... it means I must release control and be ready to be taken advantage of. It means I must, every day, on purpose, determine to see people as Jesus does.

And here's the kicker: I will never master it! It will likely be a struggle 'til I go Home.

And another thing: even when I learn to do it moderatley well, it does not guarantee that others will magically begin treating me with mercy and grace... they will probably continue to see the worst in me and pick out my flaws (which are very easy to see) and not give me the benefit of the doubt.

But that will never excuse me from continuing my quest to treat others like Jesus does. Remember the One who saved you.... He is the embodiment of mercy and grace, and His earthly story ended with Him suspended on a cross.

So let us always try our very best to see the best in others. Let us endeavor to be forgiving. Let us practice being merciful... let us treat others gracefully.

Like Jesus treats us.

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