Monday, May 14, 2007

What stands between you and Christ?

I feel so blessed to be living in the 21st century! My vocation is educational software, and I admit I am a closet nerd... the latest laptop or PDA always gets my attention (though I usually can't afford them), and I love all kinds of music, so I am always interested in the latest media technology (whether it's satellite radio, IPods or portable DVD players...)

I travel quite a bit (I actually love to fly - be it commercially or alone in a Cessna!), and I am the beneficiary of all the advancements in that area... online hotel and airline reservations, internet print-your-own boarding passes, 'no-waiting-at-the-rental-car-counter' rental cars and pay-at-the-pump fuel... I love it!

But it's no wonder that I (and millions of people like me) feel the need to 'decompress' occasionally... God did not make us to be THAT busy! He wired His children to have the ability to 'be still'... and I don't do that nearly enough.

Oh, it's not that I'm busy with bad things! I don't carouse or drink or gamble... I am either at work, at the church building or at home with my family (or with them at one of my daugthers' programs or ballgames)... so I'd say, on balance, I'm a pretty normal and boring person...

But I am busy! And sometimes all that busy-ness (yes, even 'church busy-ness') stands between me and the One who died for me.

Let me encourage us all to identify whatever it is which stands between us and our Savior and remove it!

Is it addiction? Is it a relationship? Is it a vice or a bad habit? Is it just normal, everyday 'busy-ness'?

Whatever IT is, place it in its proper persective... and let nothing stand between you and Jesus.

God Bless!

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