Saturday, May 19, 2007

stop looking for justice... expect grace!

We live in a culture where everyone has rights. I am blessed to have been born an American... but the societal expectation that right is rewarded and wrong is punished clouds my view of grace.

I want people to get what they deserve. I even expect that I will get what I deserve... I find myself looking over my shoulder waiting and watching for consequences to catch up with me for the things I have done.

God set in motion millions of natural laws which do guarantee consequences; If I touch a hot stove, my hand will be burned, etc.

and because I believe God and His Spirit guide my life (when I let them and sometimes when I don't), I fall into the faithless habit of looking for the causal connection between my actions and the things that then befall me. I end up watching for His divine punishment for the things I do...

Where is the line drawn? God does prune those He loves... He does direct me away from harmful things... I have felt the shears! I have sensed His hand!

Maybe the causal connection I should be looking for instead is 'how does Christ's sacrifice cause me to act?' or 'What does His blood make me want to run from?'

His grace is so awesome I cannot begin to understand it. But I know this: I am very glad He gives me what I need and not what I deserve. Thank you, God, for your mercy and grace.

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