Tuesday, October 23, 2007

blessed by the seasons

Well, this morning is cold and rainy... ain't it wonderful?!!!??

I am so blessed to live in a part of our country which enjoys all 4 seasons... and I love every one! ...and I'm always ready for the next one... it would seem that fall is here (although my lawn looks as if it may need one more trimming before we put the mower under the house for the winter). And the dampness and cold this morning remind me that winter is not far away.

And I am in awe... how God could spin this all into motion with a word... how He could lead me to a place where I am daily reminded of His unfathomable power. It's truly incredible!

And, as fond as I am of the seasons of the year, I have never been as aware of the seasons of life... so as I reach middle age (yep, it's confirmed... my middle daughter is studying life cycles in science, and has observed that her mom and I have reached the 'middle'!), I begin to really embrace life's seasons...

while it's hard to get my mind around, I am just starting to see how God leads us (me) through the various, natural stages of this vapor we call life. I guess having a daughter in college sort of cemented the thought in my mind... a 9 year old and a 15 year old at home...

the fact that I still think of us as 'young married' (a 'group' at our church which used to get together each week for fellowship and study) while everyone else thinks of me as... well... seasoned... speaks to my hesitation to embrace this 'seasons' mentality...

But embrace it I will.... and I am warming to the concept, I have to admit...

and I love it! God has blessed me in so many ways... I can't even count them...

yeah, it was a little harder getting out of bed this morning than it was a few years ago... but I am really blessed by the seasons...

yep, looks like fall is here....


P.S. - it is SOOOO Goood to have Lynn and Joy back for a few months from Panama!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Something that made me laugh...alot