Tuesday, October 28, 2008

27 degrees this morning - yikes!

OK, so you know I love the changing of the seasons... and I really enjoy the blessing of living in a place where we get to bask in all 4 of them.

But each time the weather change signals that one is over and the next one is here, I am always taken a bit by surprise... no, I know it's coming... it just sort of, I dunno... surprises me!

such is the weather this morning... it's flippin' 27 degrees!!! that's freezin!

I know it's cold when Lucy the Wonderdog scratches at the door to go out and then, when we crack the door, she backs away from it and looks at me like "what happened??!?! that's cold!"

anyhow, this weekend we 'fall back'... and set our clocks back an hour, gaining 60 minutes overnight! And I, for one, have been missing that hour ever since it was pried from my fingers back in April...

yep, fall has fell... and I love it!

and winter is not far behind... ouch!

I do love the crispness in the air this time of year...

and I don't know why, but on crisp cool mornings like this one, I am especially reminded of a youth song we used to sing all the time... of course it comes from scripture:

the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end
they are new every morning
great is thy faithfulness!

new every morning... I like that!


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