Wednesday, October 15, 2008

God's Mosaic

God is developing a thought in my feeble brain... (I promise, I will give Him the credit if it turns out to have 'legs', and I will take the blame if it turns out to be lame!)

Anyhow, as we study prayer and its power and its result, it is clear that there is still a whole lot which seems mysterious, at least to me...

and the mystery deepens as we try to understand God's answers to our prayers.... and inevitably, we end up at the doorstep of 'why'?

Now it could be (as we have all heard from our pulpits) that it is simply a matter of faith.... just a simple thing of trusting Him to provide and answer prayers in the way which is best (in His divine eyes) for us. And I get that.... I still struggle with it, but I get it...

And, on one level, I know that's how we should view His answers to our petitions as we mature.

On the other hand, we know there are examples of man's prayer changing God's mind throughout the Bible...

I have seen Him heal people and change situations and touch hearts as a direct result of people's fervent prayers (at least I think it results from that...)

So I'm sorta stuck.

OK, to the thought which is just beginning to crystalize in my gray matter...

The ground floor of the McInteer Bible Building on the campus of Harding University in Searcy is a tile mosaic. As you stand on it, it is almost impossible to see what the mosaic represents... If you climb to the second floor and peek off the landing, it becomes a little clearer... then, if you go to the top floor landing and peer over the side, it settles in with crystal clarity that what you are looking at is, in fact, a beautiful 'picture' of the globe... it is a tile mosaic of the earth!

Is it possible that we fail to see the divine mosaic of life because we are busy living it? Could it be that we are so 'close' to the events and 'prayer-answers' that we only see them as they relate to our little bitty speck of time on this sphere?

I wonder if God were to take us to the 'top floor' and allow us to gander at the whole picture, would His Mosaic become clear?

Dunno.... but there's a thought starting to form... (I know, dangerous.)

God Bless!

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