Thursday, October 30, 2008

to be forgotten

I watch with interest from the sidelines the 2008 State Volleyball tournament... my daughter Cara plays middle hitter for MHHS, and their season is done for this year. Lake Hamilton ousted them last night in a hard fought match 3-1...

As I watched this match, I noticed that the coach got really caught up in the excitement of the game and... well... forgot about my daughter on the bench.

Now I know this is a daddy talking here... and I know my Cara is not the only player who gets 'forgotten' on the bench...

But there we were at the state tournament by virtue of our performance during the conference season (to which many girls contributed including my middle child), and the coach simply forgot to put some of the girls in the rotation... most notably (and not just to her daddy) - my Cara.

And I was amazed. I know it happens every day in sports and in other parts of life... and I thank God that Cara places the proper amount of importance on sports... (as Kelly said, she was doing just fine watching 'what not to wear' last night, seemingly already over being left out of the most important match of her high school volleyball career...)

You hope that a coach will a) 'dance with what brung ya' (interpretation: play the girls who helped you win enough to make it to state!) and b) not get so caught up in the game herself to forget about your bench players!

Oh well... season's over for this year... onward and upward!

But it still hurts. be forgotten.

How marvelous it is that we serve a God who doesn't forget! Yeah, I know, He has a mercifully terribly memory about all the things we screw up...

but God knows His own...

Matthew and Luke record Jesus' words which confirm this blessed memory:

"even the hairs of your head are numbered"


What a God! ...who will never forget!


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