Sunday, October 12, 2008

true ministry

when most people think of ministry, they think of a minister... you know, the kind with the 3-piece suit and a degree who preaches at a local church. He also visits the sick and shut-ins (don't you love THAT word), and he teaches the occasional (or every-Sunday-auditorium) class....

Well, last Sunday night at my house, I saw ministry in its purest form.

The discussion moved to prayer and, frankly, whether it works or not... and one of our ladies just spilled her heart about how she aches every day for her son who died a couple years ago... and how, without prayer, she would 'not have made it'.

That was powerful...

but by far the most seminal moment of the night was when - just after the 'official' meeting ended - another precious mom and grandma poured out her soul about how hollow her heart is since her daughter died just over a year ago. Then the first mom knelt beside the second mom and they shared their heartache with each other....

and true ministry happened.

As my wife has observed often... whatever trials and hardship and heartbreak have befallen you, THAT is YOUR ministry!

you need no degree nor suit nor particular gender nor pulpit to minister. you just need a heart to share your common experience...

and ministry breaks out!

God Bless!


Anonymous said...

amen and amen! that was awesome!

Elizabeth Cheek said...

how true--thanks-esc

Lynn said...

it's true, we can not minister wholly to someone when we can not understand their pain, their guilt, their burdens. WE can and should certainly try, but it is very difficult.

What I see us (me) avoiding far too often is reaching out to those who are suffering with the same, or similar sins as us. That puts our own sins into focus a little too clearly, but if we would take that step, can you imagine the ministry Jesus could achieve both in us and others?

I miss those blessings with Riverside and our small groups! Thanks for sharing!