Friday, December 12, 2008


Labels are useful... how do you know what's IN something if you can't read (or look at the pictures) the label on the container!

Many labels exist today... we like to use them on people... and most of those are overused. But, frankly, some are well-deserved.

Still, I am not real fond of labels... I believe it makes us lazy and gives us license to not become familiar with people. It allows us space to not get close.... it gives us excuse to keep people at arm's length... and, as a result - if we're not careful - we become more and more distant from those whom we are called to engage...

after all, I would rather marginalize someone with a label than truly draw close to them and find out why they are like they are and offer help... or at least acceptance... or friendship.

especially poignant is the thought that Jesus did not discount people... and the only people he labeled were the 'religious'...

...brood of vipers... pharisees.... dead men's bones.... white-washed tombs...

the people we tend to label are those different from us... because we see them through our eyes...

Brandon Heath wrote a song called 'give me your eyes'...

it's worth watching the video


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