Monday, December 15, 2008

the message

so what's the message?

Sometimes when First Day sings, Devin introduces one of our songs by saying something like this:

"we get to sing for lots of different audiences.... so what is THE message we want to leave with them?"

then we sing 3:16, a song Bruce composed which essentially puts music to the most famous verse of the whole Bible...

I wonder sometimes if it wouldn't make sense for us to give thought to the same question in our day-to-day....

all the people I come into contact with.... what is the message I want to 'leave' with them today?

I am sort of a student of behavior... not nearly as observant as I should be, but somewhat aware nonetheless...

so if one could infer from another's behavior that they are trying to 'leave a message', what message would one see? ...or more personally, what message would the casual observer 'get' from my behavior?

So I thought about it... and I retraced my steps and my actions from 'a day in the life' of me... just to see...

and here are the 'messages' I conveyed:
  • I'm in a hurry
  • My time is more important than yours
  • I know more than you do
  • What I have to say is really really important, and what you have to say is, well, not so much
  • I'm materialistic
  • I have an inordinate love of food
  • I am proud and arrogant
  • I think I'm 'all that and a bag of chips'

wow. that was harsh. and insightful. and revealing. and true.

and really really disappointing... 'cause here's what I wanted to convey:

  • I'm sold out to Jesus, and He rules my life

what message do you send?

God Bless!


Elizabeth Cheek said...

thats good stuff Tim. thank you for your insight!esc

Elizabeth Cheek said...
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