Monday, April 13, 2009

straight lines

I like things in order. I like spreadsheets and lists and contact management systems... I like rules and following them... I like.... organized things.

not a big fan of chaos... it makes me nervous and uneasy.

That's why living in the Spirit is so strange and uncomfortable for me.

If I had been an Israelite following Moses across the wilderness, I probably would have been the first one to complain about the freedom.... and I likely would have led the grousing and murmuring about 'how nice the weather was in Egypt'.

Are you like that? are you a straightline addict? I am a recovering organizajunkie... because I am committed to living in His will... and, frankly, I am scared that the same traits which make me love and crave organization serve as a barrier to following His path for my life...

paths are funny things, right? In order to fully appreciate 'em, you gotta look at 'em backwards...

and as I look back at the path I've traveled, it is quite curvy and circuitous.... and in many ways very different than I had planned. yeah, looking back, there were times of focus and seasons of wandering; periods of darkness and eras of whitehot spiritual euphoria. All, I believe, part of the path He has led me on...

So I guess my best advice for me and the rest of us similarly afflicted organizaholics is this: be patient and embrace the journey.... love the fact that God is in control... and learn to enjoy the path. even when you are wandering in the wilderness....



Joy said...

amen, and thank you!!!!
It is really good to hear your thoughts!

stan johnson said...

mom the gardner was always planting flowers I was continually complaining about the obstacles. until i finished and looked back, nothing prettier than mowed grass and well placed flowers by the master gardner.

good thoughts tim