Thursday, August 27, 2009

evangelism 101

what is evangelism? how do we do it?

Our model has usually included a lot of telling and convincing. we study with folks and try to convince them of the gospel... or we 'hold a gospel meeting' and invite people to come hear someone else try to convince them of the good news...

how did our 1st century forerunners 'do' it? ...well, we can assume that they didn't have Bibles to carry around and study...

can we also infer from the Biblical accounts that their main way to 'lift Him up' was more in the living and less in the telling?

at the end of the day, we are called to be seed spreaders, right?

so how can we best do that? how can we, in our quest to sow seed, imitate those who shared space and time with Jesus himself?

maybe the very best way is to actually 'be' the church.... to live in community and help each other and encourage each other...

what would happen if we did just that? ...if we lived in such a Jesus way that people were attracted?

is that not the original model?

maybe evangelism is, in its purest sense, showing Jesus more than it is talking about Him.

Maybe it is less about tracts and 'doctrine' and more about living out our faith in such a way that folks are attracted to The Way.

how better to spread seed?


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