Thursday, August 6, 2009

the institutional church conversation... conclusions?

OK... so what am I to do with the numerous Biblical examples Mr Viola presents in support of the local church? :-) (see previous posts)

well, as my momma used to say, 'everything in moderation'... sounds like Bible, huh?

I have been studying/wrestling/praying about what value the institutional church may have today. Viola does a terrific job describing and essentially rebutting the most 'liberal' viewpoint - that of the 'postchurch' movement... and I still believe the answer must lie between the extremes...

anyhow, as Frank Viola points out, the local church has huge value!

which goes a long way toward reminding me of the answers to some questions I have been asking:

does it have a place?
is it even a Biblical model?
would it be better to just meet in homes?

and while I still struggle with how our fellowship 'treats' the institutional church (admittedly Riverside is better than most), Frank Viola's blog posts on the subject have served as a reminder to me that God DOES indeed have a place and a purpose for a 'local gathering'...

I suppose I will always struggle - hopefully in a positive and productive way - with the "organized church's" affinity for itself and its addiction to its own structure and routine...but I have been reminded by my friend Frank that God DOES place importance on the local church.

Again, I tire of people who use guilt to get people inside the church doors... and I have little patience for those who - ignorantly or purposely - misuse scriptures like Hebrews 10:25 to fill the pews... but that does not change or diminish the Biblical FACT that God's divine design definitely involves the local body.

We must never confuse the church universal (the one which Jesus died to establish) with the little exclusive gathering we attend.... and we simply CANNOT continue to further confuse the building with the Body....

but I KNOW that every Biblical example of Body Life includes 'community' and communion with a local group. Viola did an unparallelled job of expositing on the subject, and he is probably the leading 'organic church' proponent of our time!

as a dear friend used to tell me: "that's where I am right now"...

I encourage us all to continue to pray and study and 'be' the Body.

more to follow, I'm sure...


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