Friday, December 7, 2007

"God Mirror"

In His Word, there are many references to how God 'sees' us. My favorite picture is painted by Paul in his letter to the Galatian churches:

"...for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ."

Did you get it? We are clothed in Christ... we 'put Him on'... I know it's sort of a hard concept to grasp. But it is vitally important that we 'get it'.

You see, for most of my life, I have seen myself primarily as a sinner... I am fallen... I am broken... I am... bad.

It's as if I have plastered Romans 3:23 on my refrigerator and my bathroom mirror and on my steering wheel and on my computer monitor at work... because I constantly remind myself that I am - first and foremost - a SINNER!!!!

So I suggest we need a God Mirror. To have any chance of spiritual health, I MUST develop the ability to see me as God sees me...

when God sees me, He doesn't see bad or fallen or sin or terribleness...

He sees Jesus...

How dare me to believe my 'vision' is 20/20 with regard to my self-image. How arrogant of me to think MY view of me (sinner, broken, fallen) is more accurate than the One who created me.

I believe I will be healthy enough to truly help others only when I finally see me like He does...



Like Jesus...

Pure, White, Blameless, Holy, Sanctified...


So how about it? Are you ready to replace your mirror with God's? Or will you hold on to the guilt and pain and sin and insist on seeing yourself as Satan wants you to?

The choice is yours... I am choosing His Mirror.

Because anything less simply wastes the Supreme Sacrifice of the only Sinless One.


1 comment:

Joy said...

Thank you! OH to bring that message to the world of believers!