Tuesday, December 18, 2007

throwing rocks

When I was about 10 years old, my older brother and I would have rock fights.

Many of you are nodding your head in realization.... "that explains a lot!", you're thinking...

I am telling you the truth. When we were boys we had rock fights... (evidently we weren't very accurate or someone may have gotten hurt)... but, truly, sometimes we would just line up about 20 yards from each other and start hurling small rocks at each other.

here's the kicker: we weren't really mad or trying to settle anything... we were just bored!

Sometimes adults do the same thing... we just line up and throw rocks. And, oddly enough, we aren't always trying to settle anything... and we aren't really mad at each other... and it's not that we really feel strongly or passionately about something. We, like my brother and me, are just...


I wonder why we act like that? Looking to pick up a rock and sling it? I am reminded of Paul's words in his letter to Rome:

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you,
live at peace with everyone.

That sounds like a plan...

May God bless us as we try to do just that...

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