Saturday, December 15, 2007

Sin Management

Jesus died on the cross.

He paid a debt I was unable and unwilling to pay... and He did it before I was even a thought in anyone's mind... except His.

Why did He do it?

He didn't pay that price so we could quarrel over worship styles or so that we could create a religion... He didn't die so that we could build big church buildings and manage our church budgets.... and He did not endure unspeakable torture so we could develop programs and create 'church attenders'.

Simply put, He made that unbelievable sacrifice to solve a sin problem... And when He gave His life, that's exactly what He did... solved the problem of sin.

We are the ones who try to hang on to our guilt and pain... it is we who choose not to accept that... we cannot believe it's that simple, so we must attach our rules and complicate it. We weigh it down with our culture and our habit and our learned behavior...

So we get in the business of... 'managing' our sin... we create entire cottage industries designed specifically to deal with our sin... to manage it.

But the entire point of the cross is not to manage our sin... it is to live like Jesus took sin away...

thankfully... gratefully... mercifully... joyfully.

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