Saturday, March 29, 2008

Garage Sales

So we are having our annual spring garage sale today. It has become a tradition to climb up in the attic and go through our closets to see what we have collected; to decide if someone else will actually pay me a dollar or a quarter for stuff I don't use or wear anymore.

It's sort of a cathartic exercise for us... and it usually takes us for a couple strolls down a memory lane or two! 'do you remember when Caitlin wore this?' or 'Can you believe Cara used to wear this to school?' or 'How did I ever fit into that?!?!??'

Anyhow, it reminded me that most of us need to 'clean out' our 'junk' once in a while...

yep, here comes the analogy...

What if we made a habit of going through all the emotional stuff in our own personal attics on a regular basis? How healthy would it be to clean all that out from time to time?

Old grudges - gone! Worn-out traditions - see ya! Bad feelings about your brother - out! Unhealthy habits - trashed!

We are packrats, though, aren't we? We typically fight change... we resist 'different'... we become enamored of our old, comfortable 'junk'... we even make excuses to keep our oldie goldie 'stuff', whether it is reasonable or healthy to hang on to it.

'I might need this again' we reason... 'what if I have to have this again?' we say...

Well, I'm convinced we are simply sojourners through this world... so, to plagiarize the title of Lucado's book, we had better learn to 'travel light'!

Let us endeavor not to hold on to stuff (whether it's an old sweater or an old hateful feeling). Let's clean it out!

God Bless you!

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