Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy Thanksgiving

Wow. How blessed am I?

God has surrounded me with a terrific family in an idyllic setting; He has placed literally hundreds of people in my path who have made me a better person...

I am daily reminded of how great the sovereign God of the universe truly is.

I know there are many who hurt today. I realize there are scores of families in crisis and marriages on the brink of breaking as I sit and write this...

I pray God will ease pain and touch hearts... my hope is that those who are hurting will be receptive to His Spirit's comfort today.

This morning, as Lucy the Wonderdog curls up next to me on the couch, I can see into the dining room... the table setting is worthy of a Rockwell painting. In a few hours a dozen of the best people on the planet will sit down and eat the world's best turkey and dressing courtesy of my momma-in-law... we will have Kelly's melt-in-your-mouth homemade dinner rolls and Stacey's signature green bean bundles... my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

yep, in just under 6 hours, Rodney and Stacey and Blake and Olivia and Jason and June and Kelly and Caitlin and Cara and Cassie and me (oh, and Lucy the Wonderdog) will enjoy one of my favorite holiday meals.

Thank you, God, for blessing me... again.


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