Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President Obama

Yesterday we continued this experiment called America. We elected the 44th president or our representative republic, and It always fills me with great pride to take part in this most basic of democratic practices... Especially sweet this election is the fact that my oldest daughter exercised that privilege for the first time in her life. I feel very blessed indeed to live in this era... and I am struck by the fact that she would not have been allowed to vote if she were born only a few decades ago...

I did not support Barack Obama... nor did I vote for him. But 52 per cent of those who voted (about 62 million Americans) did. He won a simple majority of the popular vote in enough states to garner 349 electoral votes - 79 more electors than needed to earn the highest office in the land. By anyone's calculation, this was a landslide... and for that, I am extremely grateful. Only 8 years ago, I remember being on pins and needles for over 3 weeks awaiting the official winner...

For those who supported and voted for President-elect Obama, I congratulate you. His acceptance speech was one of the best speeches I have ever heard! He and his writers are extremely gifted, and showed unbelievable awareness of the gravitas of this truly historic night. His speech may well be remembered right up there with Dr. King's 'I have a dream' and President Kennedy's 'ask not what your country' and President Reagan's 'tear down that wall' speeches... If President-elect Obama governs like he campaigned, he has a legitimate chance of being a great Commander-in-Chief!

For those who voted for Senator McCain, I congratulate you as well... you supported a very good man of the highest moral fiber... I also congratulate you because we all participated in a rite which most of us take entirely for granted. I believe he would have made an excellent President... his patriotism is above reproach and his track record - despite Obama's campaign-trail assertions to the contrary - is much more moderate than most Republicans. And his concession speech - maybe the hardest speech to deliver - was eloquent and classy and terrific.

From a political perspective, Barack Obama built the most incredible campaign machine in the history of machines! And, to his credit, he was able to mobilize and motivate a demographic which is always counted on but rarely delivers - the 18 to 25 year old voter... this election, for the very first time, they turned out in droves! and that is remarkable and very very positive!

But at the end of the day, President-elect Obama excited people and Senator McCain did not. Yeah, the economy tanked at just the wrong time for McCain and most Americans have lost whatever interest in and support for the war on terror they once may have had... and the Obama camp made very very few missteps...

Here is what we should ALL understand:

If you supported John McCain, things are not as bad as you (or the pundits) may think... and if you supported Barack Obama, things are not as good as you (or the pundits) believe...

The sun came up this morning, I still have to pick up Lucy the Wonderdog at the vet, Joy and Lynn (my heroes and Panama missionary friends) are coming home today, my dear friend's marriage is still in peril, the economy is still in serious trouble, gas prices are still at an 18-month low, I am still married to the most beautiful (inside and out) woman on the planet, my 3 daughters are still the most wonderful blessings any daddy could ever have...

Whether Senator McCain or Senator Obama was elected, my world will have changed very little, if at all...

and, above all, the same God who breathed our planet into existence and knows how many hairs are on my head (fewer every morning)...

He is still in control.

So, since I am a Christian, I will not be depressed or fearful; and I will not be a hand-wringing worry wart... instead, I resolve to act like I know Who's in charge...

May He bless Barack Obama and may He bless the United States of America!


Anonymous said...

well stated timmy!

eph 1:9-10

Elizabeth Cheek said...

right on!

Anonymous said...

Amen! Fear is of Satan, and we are of God. It will all be good for those who love the Lord!