Sunday, September 23, 2007

it's still that simple... Garbage in, Garbage out...

OK, so go ahead and paint me as a simpleton....but I think we sometimes forget the causal connection between what we ingest and what we regurgitate...

Kelly and I are blessed each Sunday night with a houseful of teenagers (32 of them just now left!)... I am so much richer for them having been in my home. And these are really the cream of the crop; these guys and girls are, for the most part, pretty normal teenagers who aspire to be 'good kids'.

Still... they are teenagers. And they are exposed to a media barrage which is complete garbage! From texts to instant messages to Internet to television to ITunes to movies to YouTube, our kiddos are inundated with more and different types of media... and, sad to say, most of it has no socially redeeming value to it.

You think our young Christians are insulated or isolated from all the junk? Then you are simply not paying attention.

Many of us allow our kids to browse and watch and listen unsupervised... then act surprised when something tumbles out of their mouth which shocks us.

And you and I are no different. Don't you notice your mind is filled with whatever you allow 'in'? Do you find that what you listen to or watch shapes you?

It's the old computer adage... G.I.G.O. - Garbage in, Garbage out...

I challenge us all to try an experiment... for one week, take care what you watch and what you listen to... just for one week, listen to only Christian music.... watch only 'G' rated TV... don't watch YouTube at all (sorry, too much crap there)...

See if it doesn't make a difference... I promise it will... consider Philippians 4:8:

whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—
think about such things

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