Wednesday, September 26, 2007

we need prayer warriors, not worry warts

My friend's wife got a scare a few weeks back when, after her yearly check up, the doctor's office called to tell her she needed to come back in for further tests... turned out to be nothing... doctor was just being extra careful...

But during the time they were unsure, they chose to let only a few people know about their struggle... they chose not to tell their families... afterwards, I asked my friend why he didn't tell their families... 'wouldn't it have been better to let her family know about it?' I asked...

'Heavens no!' he replied... 'they're the last people we would tell... what we needed were prayer warriors, not worry warts!'

Pretty harsh... but really true...

When you think about it, worry is the opposite of prayer... you really can't do both. You can either fret or you can talk to God. One is fruitful, the other futile...

God yearns for us to trust Him. This is the same God who breathed the stars into existence... do we think that our feeble worrying will help our situation more than the master of the universe?

May God lead us to trust Him more as we let go of the bad habit of worrying...

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