Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What happens when you help?

The fear of the unknown is something we are all familiar with... from little kids to old folks, the 'not knowing' is the scariest thing.

I guess, at the heart of it, that is the reason we don't get out of our comfort zone more readily; oddly enough, as we get older (when faith should be supplanting fear), we become less flexible and more 'set' and less willing to step out...

Such is the case with helping other people... it's SO much easier to continue behaving like I always have, watching out for only me while intentionally wearing blinders to the needs of people around me...

and THAT'S why sharing our story is so vital to overcoming that fear and breaking out of that rut... think about it: if someone tells you about a time when they really stepped out and served and then shares how they were blessed because of it, part of your fear begins to melt away.

Last night, a good friend stopped by the house and shared a servant story. She doesn't realize what a blessing she and her family have been to Kelly and I... and to the larger Riverside family. She told of stepping outside her comfort zone (WAAAAY OUTSIDE) and getting deeply involved with a local family to help them... this is a family who does not normally travel in the same circles as hers... this is a family who, outside the context of Riverside, few of us would ever have tried to associate with... (she has no arrogance about this, but it is simply the truth)

With tears in her eyes, she told the story (which I will not retell here). And we sat and listened in awe as we saw, clearly, how the Holy Spirit is working God's will through this sister and her association with this family.

She has been places with this family which she never would have gone. She has handled issues she never thought she could. She has immersed herself in this family's "stuff" without regard to how it looks or what people may think. She has prayed and cried and gotten angry and sad and felt helpless... all because she chose to step out and help someone who really needed help.

So, what happens when you help?
  • you struggle - but God is glorified!
  • you get mad - but Jesus is lifted up!
  • you make mistakes - but the Spirit gives you strength!
  • you want to give up - but God lifts you!
  • you risk - and God rewards!
  • you feel helpless - and Jesus is magnified!

You don't always see progress (especially on your timetable)... and you don't necessarily see how God is glorified or Jesus is lifted up...

This story is still being written... but something special happened Sunday which gave this sister a glimpse of His leading and a much-needed boost of affirmation...

During our greeting time, a lady approached this sister and said "Hi, you don't remember me, do you?"...

"No, I can't put a name with the face..."

"I work at the office you visited a couple weeks ago with that precious family you were helping... I saw how you were with them... and then you told me I was 'an angel' for making the process so easy... and that MADE MY DAY! I found out who you were and where you worshipped, and this is my second time to worship here at Riverside... I wanted to tell you what an impact you had on me!"

Do you have chills yet?

As we all know (and as I wrote a few lines ago), we don't always receive THAT kind of feedback when we help people... so, when we do, I believe we should share it!

There are so many good points to take from this story... but maybe the one that strikes me is this: the ripple effect of God working in you is UNBELIEVABLE! and the way God uses your kindness toward one person... to touch another person... is nothing short of AWESOME!

Kelly and I wiped away tears as this precious sister and friend poured out her heart about how God had blessed her through this 'out-of-her-comfort-zone' experience....

may God bless us all as we seek out and serve 'the least of these, my brothers'...

now THAT's Outflow!

(...and I still have goose bumps...)

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