Saturday, September 1, 2007

What this world needs

OK, you know I rarely have an original thought... so it won't surprise you if I use one of the new Casting Crowns songs to make a point...

The opening song on the new 'Altar and the door' CD is so spot on, I had to share it:

What this world needs is not another
one hit wonder with an axe to grind
Another two bit politician peddling lies;
another three ring circus society...
What this world needs is a Savior who will rescue
A Spirit who will lead
a Father who will love them in their time of need
that's what this world needs...

Toward the end of the song, there are young voices making some very profound statements as the music builds in the background:

People aren't confused by the gospel -
they're confused by us
Jesus is the only way to God,
but we are not the only way to Jesus
This world doesn't need my tie, my hoodie,
my denomination or my translation of the Bible
they just need Jesus!
we can be passionate about what we believe
but we can't strap ourselves to the gospel
'cause we're slowing it down...
Jesus is going to save the world
but maybe the best thing we can do
is just get out of the way!

Wow! I could not have said it better!

God Bless us all as we try to listen to His leading and let God use us...

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