Friday, June 13, 2008

AAAAHHHH Summertime!

Yep, it's that time of year when the days get longer and the nights get hotter (wait, that's from some 70's rock-n-roll song.... sorry!)...

anyhow, it's summertime! My mom used to LOOOOVVVVVEEE summertime... she loved all the seasons, but spring into summer, then the hot ol' summertime... that was her very favorite! And I think she passed that love on to me... 'cause I love it!

things are a little more laid back (even at a busy place like my house), and smiles are even more plentiful.... the laughing comes a little easier and even more often than usual... yep, it's summertime!

Man, do we live in a lovely part of the world or what? last night we sat out on our patio as the sun disappeared behind the trees and listened to the symphony of insects as they celebrated the end of another day and the beginning of another balmy night; and, thankfully, most of them are not biting me... (I know, I'm easily amused and entertained...)

This morning, sitting on that same patio, I listen as that same symphony (or maybe the morning shift) announce another day of summer in the Ozarks! Lucy the Wonderdog (our 4-month-old basset hound) is up with me this morning and everyone else is sleeping soundly... a couple of my girls will be doing that for a while yet... in a couple minutes, Kelly will join me with coffee and we will start the day together listening to the music.

Yep, God has blessed me... immeasurably beyond anything I could have asked or imagined (now that's not from some rock song, that's from Paul's inspired pen...though a couple artists have put it to music)

Keep your eyes open today... God will place someone in your path who needs a helping hand... just watch!


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