Thursday, June 5, 2008

Worship right or Worship God?

Terry Rush posts to his blog everyday. I begin my day with it... It inspires me and sometimes reminds me of something I would like to post here on my blog... this one, however, did more than inspire me to write something! It hit me between the eyes... so, with his permission, I have posted it (in its entirety) here (in bold type):

While my intent is to encourage deeper and greater worship, by no means do I want to imply my thoughts are law. They are not. From experience, therefore I will point out, our worship assemblies have become more meaningful due to one matter of progress. Worship teams have enhanced our praise and new songs fill my heart. Yet the fact that we have begun to sing a series of songs without interruption has done more to let me engage my mind and keep it there than any of our other useful moves.

Something good has happened to me/us. We are progressing from worshipping right to worshipping God. There is a difference. This difference shows in the spirit of the flock. We've been taught to praise God....I mean really, robustly cut loose and get lost in His wonder. We do stand in awe! We do mean it when we say, "Thank you, Lord."

For Memorial Drive Allen French moved us through a veil and into His presence. When he moved on, Shane Coffman entered the Memorial scene and continues meaningful progression. We have shifted from worshipping and wondering who is upset "over that move" to wondering if God is loving our gifts of vocal/mindful worship of Him.

We enter His presence.....really. Was it not being done before? I can't answer that for anyone but myself. For me? It wasn't being done. I was too focused on who did or didn't like what was sung, prayed, or preached. I was too interrupted by singing a song and hearing comments regarding observing this note and that chorus. It seems to me the more the church learns to voice the praises of God, whether through song or testimony, the more God unleashes His grand grace upon our gatherings.

Baseball? Fun!

Grandkids? More fun!

Worshipping God? Heavenly on earth!

TM: my prayer is that we all take this attiude into our worship...


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