Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I think I pulled a fat

When I was (much) younger, I would run 3 miles a day... My daddy still jogs 3 miles every morning... anyhow, in the days when I tried to get/stay in shape, occasionally I would overdo it and strain a muscle... 'I pulled a muscle', I would say to anyone who would listen...

After a week or so using the bowflex and treadmill, I would like to report that I pulled a muscle... but I think it would be more accurate to say I pulled a fat. 'Cause I'm really not sure I have any muscles left to pull!

It has been a good week... trying to eat better and work out early every morning. But the best part is that I get to spend a little more time with God before the day gets started... granted, some of that time is spent asking Him to help me take one more step or do one more rep... but it is still time with Him.

I only report this 'progress' to you because I mentioned it a few days ago and promised to 'let you know how it goes'... well, it goes well! I am committed to getting healthier... it truly is not a vanity thing; it is a health thing.... no, I didn't get any dire news from the doctor... but I decided I didn't want to wait on something like that to shake me into action.

I want to be all God wants me to be. And I feel sure He wants me to be healthier so I can serve Him better and longer...

(And no, I really didn't injure myself...just a lame attempt at humor with the 'pulled a fat' comment... I assure you I am not lifting nearly enough weight to hurt myself!)

P.S. - the new Casting Crowns CD ROCKS!!!


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