Monday, August 27, 2007

outflow - like a fountain

yep, I have a new book... Kelly and I were looking for small group curriculum (actually Kelly was looking), and found this little book called 'Outflow', written by a couple guys named Sjogren and Ping...

I am firmly convinced the Spirit is leading me and my family (and my larger Riverside family) toward having a more servant-like heart. This book is absolutely spot on when it comes to defining what Christ-like living really is...

We are going to use this book as the 'curriculum' for our 07-08 small group meetings... I believe it will prove to be a very powerful tool in challenging the Riverside family to greater service to those in our community.

I have read most of it, and I am feeling challenged already! It is not intended to be another good book to help fill up the bookcase... it purports to be a field manual for living abundantly... and a practical guide for allowing God's blessings to flow 'through' you outward to those around you.

For my part, I cannot wait! I am so excited about the outbreak of 'servant-heart-itis' in our faith community! His Spirit is stirring...

I'll keep you posted!


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