Tuesday, September 9, 2008

get out de way

so I have really stressed this fall about our small groups.... how would they go, what would we study, who would step up and be group leaders...

Finally, Kelly told me to just 'start em up' and let God do his deal.

So last Sunday night the groups had their initial meeting. It was by far the least peaceful I have felt about a 'life group startup' in the 5 years we've been doing small groups.... I did not know how it would go... did not have a great feeling about the number of leaders who volunteered... had no clue what we would use as a 'curriculum'...

and guess what? yeah, He did. He showed up and worked His will in our groups last Sunday night. of course He did... it's what He does. From all accounts, it was awesome! because He was there.

My imagination and creativity and abilities are so abysmally bankrupt and His are so amazing.

It reminded me of my arrogance and self-importance and it brought to mind one of my former favorite sayings: "lead, follow, or get out of the way"...

upon further review, I would like to amend that to a new favorite saying... forget the 'me' lead, of 'you' follow...

just "GET OUT DE WAY" (don't know, just feeling a little rostaJamaican today, for no apparent reason)

so next time you feel stressed about what 'you' are doing, or how 'we' can do this or that, just use my new fave saying:

get out de way!

Let Him do His thing


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