Monday, September 15, 2008

maybe the hardest habit to break

A good friend of mine was sharing with Kelly and me how badly she has been hurt by her soon-to-be ex-husband.

I won't retell details here, but the mental abuse and neglect and torture she and her two children have endured is hard to listen to...

With tears rolling down her cheeks, she admitted that her prayers have been simple: "God, please cause him to suffer like he has made us to suffer."

"I know it's wrong to pray like that" she sobbed, "but that's what comes out when I talk to God!"

Yeah, she's right. The Bible talks very clearly about how we must pray for those who despitefully use us, and to bless those who curse us and do good to those who hate us... and it seems so black and white when you read those words from Matthew' and Luke's accounts...

but, like with most things, it gets kinda messy in the application!

how can I find fault with such a dear Christian momma? ...she is not concerned with what has been done to her. But she is pushed over the edge when she sees her kiddos suffer at the hands of... that man.

Wow. I know God will heal her heart so that she can finally wish well for her former husband... but right now, I gotta admit, I feel the same way she does...

anyhow, that may indeed be the hardest habit to break: almost instinctively wishing bad on people who have mistreated us....

it is truly heavenly to treat them otherwise... and I think it takes time to get there... and I pray peace for my friend so that he doesn't own her emotions anymore, and she can truly pray for him to change his heart.

more later....

God Bless!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

It is sodifficult, and what do we do with the majority of Psalms where David is asking God to kill and punish his enemies? He was a man after God´s heart, right?
Just a thought.