Tuesday, November 20, 2007

blustery day in Nebraska - simply beautiful

I woke up this morning to a pretty dismal weather day in Nebraska... it is cold and rainy, well sort of misty... kinda miserable... until I look up and see how the conditions are just right so that the droplets of water hang on the branch just a minute longer than usual before they fall to the wet grass... there's a sort of serene beauty in that...

anyhow, in a few minutes I will have the privilege of joining the students at Chapel, the daily praise and devotional time every student attends here at York... as I think about that, it occurs to me that this one feature of the Christian College environment may be the most compelling reason for wanting my girls to attend Harding or York or ACU or OCC...

I mean, think about it: every day of the school year, each student devotes a half hour or so to upward thinking. Each day these young adults spend a little time in devotion to and recognition of the Creator of the universe... that's pretty awesome!

And to my friends who say they prefer state education for their kiddos to a Christian institution, I say 'you've got to be kidding me!' OK, go ahead and extol to me the virtues of attending a more prominent college or university... the better instructors, the higher level of instruction, the more valuable sheet of onion skin, yada yada yada... hogwash!

And to my young friends who bemoan the mandatory-ness of attending chapel every day, get over yourselves! Your moms and dads (if they have any sense at all) would give their eye teeth to 'have to' spend a half hour a day in devotion to our God. Most of us parents rarely if ever even give a passing thought to things spiritual, much less devote 30 whole minutes to concentrated praise and worship every day!

So I need to take a cue off of my beloved Christian colleges and universities and set aside (intentionally and every day) a period of time which I count as 'mandatory'... inviolable... during which I will do nothing other than commune with the one I profess to love and follow...

Simply put, it will make me a better person... it will cause me to cause others to want to follow Him.


P.S. - I also get the blessing of watching the Lady Panthers play their last game before Thanksgiving tonight! Go Caitlin! Go Panthers!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the CD. I turned it over to discover that Jeff Kreh did the mixing. Jeff is our nephew. My husband, James Bruce, teaches communications courses here at YC. Stella, Jeff's mom is Jim's sister.

Anyway, it is a small world. I hope that you are able to able to bring the group to campus to share in your praise.

Thank you again. God bless you this day and everyday until He comes.. Karen Bruce