Thursday, November 1, 2007

the impact of words

Words mean things... and they should be used with care. They should be used on purpose, and we should always try to think about what we say before we say it.

Those of you who know me are laughing your heads off right now thinking, "That's rich coming from him!!!"

and you're right. it is. I am the world's worst at thinking through something before it tumbles out of my mouth... Though I am better than I used to be, I still say things from time to time which were not very well-considered...

At my house, we refer to something called a blither filter. It is that mechanism through which our thoughts are supposedly strained before they hit our vocal cords and become words. We all know people who possess no such filter, or whose filter is broken... which makes them prone to blither on and on... and, finally, to be labeled 'a blithering idiot'.

Nobody really enjoys being around a blithering idiot. Conversations with them are usually very self-absorbed, and very much one-sided. And, on occasion, this b.i. (blithering idiot sounds so harsh!) will say something hurtful.

The point (and I do have one, I promise) is this: words mean things. A harsh word can ruin a person's whole day or week. And a kind word of encouragement can completely turn a person's day around!

So don't blither. And don't say the first thing that pops into your head (yes, I'm trying to listen to my own advice here).

Speak intentionally... Say things on purpose. And say things to people which will make their day!

God Bless!

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